Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 10/18/2010 11:16:00 pm
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June, 1982 - The First Lebanon War. A lone tank and a paratroopers platoon are dispatched to search a hostile town - a simple mission that turns into a nightmare. The four members of a tank crew find themselves in a violent situation that they cannot contain. Motivated by fear and the basic instinct of survival, they desperately try not to lose themselves in the chaos of war.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 10/18/2010 10:01:00 pm
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Dr Zakir Naik is a medical doctor by profession but is renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Quran, authentic Hadith and other religious scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 10/18/2010 09:47:00 pm
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Was Christ (pbuh) Really Crucified a debate between great Scholar of Islam and Christian Missionary, both speakers take references from Quran and Bible in order to prove their points with convincing arguments.
Debate between
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 10/18/2010 08:52:00 pm
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In 2007, the Taliban kidnapped 24-year-old Ajmal Naqshbandi and an Italian journalist. Naqshbandi was one of Afghanistan's best "fixers" -- someone hired by foreign journalists to facilitate, translate, and gain access for their stories.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 9/04/2010 03:36:00 pm
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Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers” is a 2006 documentary about the ongoing Iraq War and the behavior of companies with no-bid contracts working within Iraq. The film claims four major contractors who over-bill the government (and by extension, the American public), doing substandard work while endangering the lives of American soldiers as well as private citizens. The documentary contends these companies are composed of ex-military and ex-government workers who unethically help their companies get and keep enormous contracts and milk the American taxpayer.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 9/04/2010 03:14:00 pm
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Muhammad Alshareef discusses how to overcome the motivation dip in the middle of Ramadan. Ramadan is like a 3-lap NASCAR race that most kick off with a well-oiled and fuelled machine only to discover it needs maintenance by the time it hits Lap 2. Because they haven’t prepared for the middle slack before they rev again into the last 10 days of Ramadan, they’ve suffered a major loss in being the foremost in ‘ibaadah
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 9/04/2010 02:59:00 pm
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Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan out of sincere Faith (i.e. belief) and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his past sins will be forgiven, and whoever stood for the prayers in the night of Qadr out of sincere Faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven ."
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/29/2010 11:32:00 pm
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MALCOLM X- PRINCE OF ISLAM is the EXPLOSIVE and GRIPPING documentary that shows never before seen footage of al-Hajj Malik Shabazz, a truly Islamic hero.
Islam stands for change. It seeks to change the individual and the society. This change covers every aspect of human life from personal morality to business, economics and politics. It is only natural that Islam should be fought by those who want to keep the status quo. This is the way it has always been throughout history: from Adam to Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa. Isa, and Muhammad (peace be on them). It will happen to anyone who wants to stand up and proclaim the true message of Islam to the world.
In recent times we have the example of Brother Malcolm. He courageously stood firm in the midst of his enemies and was ready to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of seeking the pleasure of Allah (swt). In ‘Prince of Islam’ we learn about his childhood struggles through to him joining the heretical group ‘Nation of Islam’ to him finally accepting the true religion of Islam after performing the Hajj in Makkah.
No video? Get the DivX Plus Web Player for Windows or Mac If video starts and stops, pause it, and come back to it in 5-10 minutes.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/29/2010 10:49:00 am
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Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray is a documentary style educational film that teaches you the basics of prayer. It contains the following: The Night Journey (Isra' wal-Mi'raj) The story of the Miraculous Night Journey in which the prayer was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Allah (swt). General Hygiene (Taharah) Muhammad (pbuh) said that cleanliness is one half of faith. The Ablution (Wudu) A prerequisite of prayer is washing the parts of the body as ordered by Allah (swt) and taught by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Dry Ablution (Tayammum) If water is not available then one may perform a dry ablution. Bathing (Ghusl) Bathing is required in the manner taught by Muhammad (pbuh) in certain circumstances. The Prayer (As-Salah) All one needs to know about the prayer including: The importance of prayer, leaving the prayer, prerequisites of prayer, a detailed two units (Rak'at) of prayer, a step by step guide to performing three & four units of prayer and general points about Prayer. Medical Benefits of Prayer & Ablution The medical world is continuously finding amazing benefits from performing prayer and ablution - Praise be to Allah (swt) the Creator of all that exists
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/29/2010 10:45:00 am
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With an unprecedented production budget of $25 million, and from the makers of Blue Planet: Seas of Life, comes the epic story of life on Earth. Five years in production, over 2,000 days in the field, using 40 cameramen filming across 200 locations, shot entirely in high definition, this is the ultimate portrait of our planet. A stunning television experience that captures rare action, impossible locations and intimate moments with our planet's best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures. From the highest mountains to the deepest rivers, this blockbuster series takes you on an unforgettable journey through the daily struggle for survival in Earth's most extreme habitats. Planet Earth takes you to places you have never seen before, to experience sights and sounds you may never experience anywhere else.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/25/2010 02:06:00 am
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On his second day in office, President Obama pledged to close the Guantanamo Detention Centre within a year. Michael Portillo reports for This World on why it has proved impossible for him to keep his promise.
Over the past eight months, Portillo's visited the prison camps, and travelled to Yemen, Bermuda and Washington to investigate what could be done with the 240 remaining prisoners - some of whom are thought to be too dangerous to release, but impossible to successfully convict.
As a former Defence Secretary, Portillo has first-hand experience of the political conflict between security and civil liberties. He looks at how the President has got stuck between a rock and a hard place. What way forward can Portillo see for Obama?
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/25/2010 01:46:00 am
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This interview was conducted in Ohio, US, in 1989 when Sheikh Tameem travelled to America with the intention of losing weight to particpate in the Afghan Jihad against the soviets. In America, he also taught the young Muslims and they began to compete to book him for lectures in the Islamic centres in their localities. It reached a point where he was booked for conference programmes which were to be held every weekend until the middle of October. The conferences sold out, and many people could not obtain tickets, even though they were trying to book months in advance! The unique thing about him is that Sheikh Tameem was not killed in battle, nor did he die in Afghanistan. Rather, he died of a heart attack in Orlando, Florida, USA. On 17 Rabi Al-Awwal 1410AH (18 October 1989).
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/25/2010 01:20:00 am
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Your Just Reward by Anwar al-Awlaki
By Uthman Lateef. The Return of Jesus (‘Isa) (peace be upon him) is a major sign before the end of time. In this lecture delivered at the End of Times conference by Noor Pro, Uthman Lateef draws particular attention to the falsehood associated with the great Prophet and Messenger, and how his Second Coming will set matters straight for those who go astray by rejecting as well as worshipping him. Uthman Lateef further highlights smaller signs before the end of time that herald his great coming, and notes the terrifying tribulation of the Dajjal (antichrist) and the role he will play upon the descent of Jesus (peace be upon him). The Return of Jesus (AS) by Uthman Lateef
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/25/2010 12:29:00 am
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A lecture delivered by Dr Zakir Naik in birmingham (March 2002, right after 9/11 attacks), explains Islamic viewpoint on terrorism, and clearly explains key points to remove the common misconception about Islam, speaker highlights Islamic teachings on terrorism and convincingly explains about the terrorism in the name of Islam
Dr Zakir Naik is a medical doctor by profession but is renowned as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Quran, authentic Hadith and other religious scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/24/2010 04:05:00 pm
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In 2001, four Pakistani Britons, Ruhal Ahmed, Asif Iqbal and Shafiq Rasul and another friend, Monir, travel to Pakistan for a wedding and in a urge of idealism, decide to see the situation of war torn Afganistan which is being bombed by the American forces in retaliation for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Once there, with the loss of Monir in the wartime chaos, they are captured by Northern Alliance fighters. They are then handed them over the American forces who transport them to the prison camps at the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba. What follows is three years of relentless imprisonment, interrogations and torture to make them submit to blatantly wrong confessions to being terrorists. In the midst of this abuse, the three struggle to keep their spirits up in that face of this grave injustice.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/24/2010 03:55:00 pm
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Nobody knows what will happen in the next few hours or even in seconds. Time flies in the countdown to one’s own death. Every day brings that predestined day closer. In this film you are invited to see the true nature of our worldly existence. It is a short and deceptive life in which worldly desires seem fascinating and full of promise, but the truth is much different. Keep in mind: This film may be your final warning to remind you of death!... And lead you to rethink about your duties to God and the hereafter.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/24/2010 03:49:00 pm
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Examines the abuse, torture, and murder of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison at the hands of U.S. military police in the fall of 2003 and debunks the "bad apples" theory. The film asks: how can decent young soldiers take these actions, and, what orders came from the chain of command. The filmmaker interviews former detainees, soldiers, and MPs involved in photographed degradation. He references Dr. Stanley Milgrim's early 60's experiments. The film also traces memoranda from Secretary Rumsfeld, General Sanchez, and the U.S. Department of Justice allowing various interrogation methods along with a 2003 visit to Abu Ghraib by General Miller, who had been running Guantanimo.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/23/2010 08:57:00 pm
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It will probably be discomfiting to some viewers of this excellently written, photographed and hosted documentary to realize that Islam, at least in its infancy and initial rapid expansion through Northern Africa ultimately to Spain, was a model of intellectual inquiry and cultural assimilation, not so much conquering people as convincing them that it had something truly spectacular to offer. While the Muslims of the 8th-10th centuries were expanding our knowledge of mathematics, astronomy and philosophy, it's simply inarguable that at the same time the Christian hierarchy was tamping down any thought or even mere hint of a thought that did not agree with its worldview. If history is written by the victors, it's not hard to understand host Bettany Hughes' seeming outrage that the Christians who ultimately triumphed in Moorish Spain did their utmost to deny any Islamic influence (well at least anything really profound) and even went so far as to try to wipe out the actual history that had taken place.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/23/2010 08:45:00 pm
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Description: Doomsday X - The Unknown (Kiyamet - X Bilinmeyen) is a documentary movie about the end of the world. It gives informations about the creation of universe, nature and prophecies according the Qur'an and Sunnah. Moreover, history of science and the scientistic views... NOT IN ENGLISH
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/23/2010 08:23:00 pm
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CAUTION: This item has not been reviewed for content. This item may contain images of graphic violence, or appear to explicitly encourage violent acts against certain groups or individuals. It may also include inappropriate language.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:48:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
By Ali Muhammad Sallaabee. The second caliph of Islam, ‘Umar ibn
al-Khattâb faced more struggles than any other Muslim leader in the
early onset of Islam. His life began in a time of ignorance and ended
during the Golden Age of Islam. Under his leadership, the Muslim world
was witnessing some of its most notable conquests in the history of
Islam. The strength and resilience of Islam’s leaders were being tested,
and ‘Umar ibn al-Khattâb’s true commitment to Allah shone to reveal an
Islamic spirit unlike that found in any other Muslim leader. The
standards by which he lived can teach us a lot about determination,
hardship, and success.
This book was translated into English by Nasiruddin al-Khattab. From the Translator:
For those who would be leaders, this book offers the model of an ideal
Muslim leader, one who felt responsible before Allah for the well being
of all those under his rule, including his troops, women, infants,
non-Muslim subjects and even animals. ‘Umar was a 'hands on' leader who
kept himself informed and consulted scholars and experts before every
major decision.
For the rest of us, this book offers a window into an exciting and
important period of Islamic history, and it also reminds of an important
lesson, that our strength comes not from wealth or money or status, but
from our submission to Allah and our commitment to the path of Islam.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:47:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:46:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:45:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:44:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/13/2010 12:44:00 am
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This nine-disks DVD PACK features, Shaykh Anwar effortlessly transports the viewer back to a unique place in Islamic history. This epic journey begins with Umars (RA) early life and conversion to Islam, to his close relationship with rasoolullah (SAW), to living through Abu Bakrs Khalifah, to eventually succeeding him as Khalifah and concluding with his brutal assassination. This series is over 20 hrs long and features UNCUT footage and also Q&A which was not included in the audio release.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 8/12/2010 07:59:00 pm
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Among the principles of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah lie the attitude of peace and purity of their heart and tongue towards the Sahaba (Companions) of the Prophet (saw) as Allaah has stated their attributes in this verse : "And those who came after them say : 'Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful" (Surah Al-Hashr, 59:10)
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 7/27/2010 07:53:00 am
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English Description: This is a lecture by the famous scholar of comparative religion, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. This lecture was given in Taif, Saudi Arabia. It's on how the Christian missionaries preach their religion to the Muslims using deceptive methods and Muslims should be aware of it. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat delivers this lecture in English and then an Arabic speaker interprets his lecture to Arabic for the convinience of the Arab audience.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 7/27/2010 07:47:00 am
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New recordings produced from the original masters. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize for SERVICE TO ISLAM, to a South African who is more or better known than many dignitaries in their own countries. This was the first time that this prestigious award has been awarded to a South African.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 7/27/2010 07:31:00 am
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New recordings produced from the original masters. Sheikh Ahmed Deedat In 1986, the King Faisal Foundation awarded the King Faisal International Prize for SERVICE TO ISLAM, to a South African who is more or better known than many dignitaries in their own countries. This was the first time that this prestigious award has been awarded to a South African. The recipient of this award was a man totally dedicated to his faith and its propagation and who was not afraid to challenge any one to a debate to settle once and for all the matter, who has the good news right? He was none other than Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, reverently known and called UNCLE by those who hold him in high esteem and admiration. The award came after a lifetime of struggle to propagate Islam and to defend Islam against the onslaught of the missionaries. Finally, he was given recognition by the international Muslim community that he deserved and focused more sharply the attention of the Muslim world on the most important aspect o f his work, the challenge to propagate Islam. This was his life long ambition to focus the Muslim world's attention and resources on the propagation of Islam, and at last he succeeded. What a moment of jubilation, achievement and personal gratification for Sheikh Deedat the award was, a turning point in his life. Sheikh Deedat did not have much formal schooling, but he was self-taught through experience and a penchant for reading, debating, discussion, and a profound sense of commitment to a mission and goal. He was driven and goal oriented. He was focused and never let up until the job was done. He was sharp, perceptive, forthright, fiery, and daring in his challenge of those whom he debated, particularly against those who equal his missionary zeal and sense of audacity. Formal schooling did not destroy his creative prowess, his tenacity, ambition, drive, and sheer daring to swim upstream. Sheikh Deedat was more a scholar of the Bible than the Qur'an, and was more familiar and adroit with its teachings. He had an insight and perspective of the Bible which made many Christians he came into contact with rethink and re-examine their faith, particularly those aspects of the Bible and the Qur'an that deal with the divine mission and life of Prophet Jesus. Sheikh Deedat fell ill in 1996, shortly after his trip to Australia, which was a momentous tour. He gave one of his most passionate talks in front of a capacity crowd in Sydney, on the theme Easter: A Muslim viewpoint. This was his last lecture before he suffered a stroke, and he has been bedridden since then. He is still as alert as ever and his sharp memory to identify faces and events has not left him. When people come to see him that he has not seen for many years, they are amazed to see him recollecting spontaneously who they are and where he has met them. May the Almighty Allah restore his health, and make the remainder of his days sweet and the life to come even sweeter, Insha'Allah.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 7/27/2010 07:20:00 am
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One of the leading scholars of Islam, Dr. Zakir Naik has, in recent years, taken over the mantle of "Scholar of Comparative Religion" from Ahmed Deedat. Their styles and topics of discussion may be similar but that is where the similarities end.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 7/06/2010 11:40:00 pm
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Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Awal is a scholar on Islamic science, comparative religion, and logic and a student of Sheikh Ahmed Dedat. He is the founder and director of Zaitun Dawah Institute-a think tank research center with headquarters in Seattle, WA and branches in NY, Atlanta and Africa. The center specializes in propagation of Islam to people of different faiths through the medium of science and comparative analysis. Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed Awal is a product of Kaduna polytechnic college of environmental studies. He has a degree in Engineering Surveying. He is also a graduate of Kano state college of irrigation and surveying.Sheikh Awal has debated many Christian theologians both in the United States and Africa. He has lectured in colleges, universities, and symposiums. He travels all over the United States and does programs in prisons and radio stations about Islam. Sheikh Awal has written two books: Islam and Science Vol. 1 and Islam and Christianity Vol. 1.He resides in Kent, WA.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 6/28/2010 01:39:00 am
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By Nouman Ali Khan. The Qur'an is stunning in its beauty, captivating in its words, overpowering in its message, enchanting in its harmony and baffling in its subtlety. This description means little to most, whose only exposure to the Qur'an is in translation. Join us in this remarkably unique single weekend seminar in which we will explore the unparalleled literary beauty of the Qur'an. Designed for audiences with and without background in Arabic, the program seeks to inspire unforgettable awe and appreciation of the greatest gift to humanity, the final installment of Divine Speech.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 6/17/2010 02:48:00 am
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We all know that Muslims are "labeled" in one way or another. In this lecture, however, the speaker touches upon a whole new dimension of labels: How one Muslim recognizes another. Is it the duty of each Muslim to be recognizable to his fellow brothers and sisters in Islam? Is it fardh to dress in a manner in which one can be recognized as a Muslim? And how, exactly, should one react when he or she does recognize that another Muslim is in the vicinity? Finally, what are the Islamic greetings, anyway?
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 6/16/2010 02:38:00 am
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This 4 seminar series is without doubt, not only the best, but also the only Dawah course available to Muslims living in non-Muslims environments. Clear your mind and open your heart to accept what Shaykh Khalid teachers and implement it to further your own Dawah objectives and increase your Imaan Insha Allah.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 5/16/2010 05:39:00 pm
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Muhammad (pbuh) said that this religion began as something strange and will return as something strange... so give glad tidings to the strangers. We see many cases of Muslims reforming themselves to become better Muslims, and in most cases they are seen as extreme, strict and sometimes even considered as crazy. Strangers is what they have become. In this lecture Sheikh Khalid Yasin explains the importance of being patient in difficult times like these.
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 5/16/2010 08:58:00 am
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Alternate name(s): Malcolm Little, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Date of birth: May 19, 1925(1925-05-19) Place of birth: Omaha, Nebraska, U.S. Date of death: February 21, 1965 (aged 39) Place of death: New York City, New York, U.S. Movement: Black nationalism, Pan-Africanism Major organizations: Nation of Islam, Muslim Mosque, Inc., Organization of Afro-American Unity Religion: Sunni Islam Influences Elijah Muhammad, Marcus Garvey
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 5/16/2010 08:51:00 am
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By Khalid Yasin. Shaykh Khalid Yasin outlines the necessary qualities for a system that is worthy of attaining the title The Solution to World Peace. As he begins to describe these qualities, one slowly recognises that all political systems and religions are disqualified - except the true and final religion of Allah. Islam; a complete and perfect system, and way of life
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 5/16/2010 05:52:00 am
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1426 years ago a man known as Muhammad was chosen by Allah (the Most High) to deliver a message, a message that would change the world forever. So who was Muhammad and what message did he bring? Why are there over 1.6 billion people who follow Him today and why is He considered the most influential personality in the annals of History? In this lecture Shaykh Khalid Yasin explains this great man, his mission and his message. Allah (the Most High) says: "O Muhammad, We have not sent you but as a mercy for all the worlds." Qur'an 21:107
Posted by Yaweluck
Posted on 5/15/2010 05:50:00 am
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What Is The Purpose of Life? Why are we here and where are we going? Through the verses of the Holy Qur’an, Shaykh Khalid Yasin expounds upon the creation of the universe and this amazing world we live in - and how it came to be. With his logical style of argument, the Shaykh answers these questions with much wisdom.